The website is the property of the Prestige Driver society – SIRET
752 383 166 000 28
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A WordPress-based site (Avada theme) built by SAS Coffee-Marketing (Digital marketing agency) and hosted by OVH.
OVH, SAS with a share capital of €10 000 000, Trade and Companies Registry Roubaix – Tourcoing 424 761 419 00045 – Head office: 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France – Phone: 0 820 698 765
VAT Number: FR56 752 383 166, located at the head office in 55 AV DE CANNES 06160 ANTIBES, with the exlusive property. Contact details are
Information published online will be regularly updated and can be modified at any time. The user is aware and must check the information collected. Prestige Driver declines any responsibility for the website content and its use. In case some links would be created with other websites, Prestige Driver can under no circumstances be held responsible for the content and the existence of these links. The data collected on the website are protected by the 1st July of 1998 law about databases. By accessing or using this website, you agree to comply with the legal provisions, including banning retrieval, transfer, stocking, reproduction of the whole or a qualitatively or quantitatively substantial part of the contents of the databases on this website. The reproduction, the redistribution or the automatic retrieval by any information mean on is prohibited. The use of robots, programs enabling the direct retrieval of data is strictly prohibited.
Every texts, illustrations and images on the website are protected by copyright and intellectual property. It is prohibited to copy, reproduce, diffuse, sell, publish and use all information available on the website As a result, any other use than the consultation constitutes infringement and is punishable by France’s Intellectual Property Code. Under the terms of Article L.122-4 of the Intellectual Property Code, “any full or partial reproduction or representation done without the consent of the author is strictly prohibited”. Consequently, any consultation or modification of the database by means of programs or applications other than those available on is prohibited. Article L335-3 of the IPC outlines that is “an infringement the violation of any rights of the software author”. Any person disregarding these legal provisions exposes herself to the penalties stipulated in Article L335-2 of the same code (up to five years’ imprisonment and a €15 000 fine), as well as a sentence to pay damages in the context of prosecution before civil courts. Prestige Driver has a competent and responsive legal department that will not hesitate to initiate appropriate legal proceedings for all due intents and purposes.
Responsible for processing and Data Protection Officer:
Personal data are collected on the website by the Prestige Driver company. Data Protection Officer of Prestige Driver: M Julien LANTERI. He is responsible for ensuring compliance of the company’s activities with the GDPR legal framework and to cooperate with the supervisory authority. For any inquiry, please use the contact form on the Contact page of the website, or by mail: Prestige Driver, 55 AV DE CANNES 06160 ANTIBES
Personal data collected:
Two types of personal data are collected on the website:
– Entered data and sent through the contact forms
– Data collected by the audience measuring tool Google Analytics
Purpose of the personal data collection:
– Initial contact with persons who submitted a form, as part of the business relationship that may happen along the way (quote creation, email exchanges, …)
– Commercial follow-up with people interested in our services
– Relational follow-up with people who have applied to an offer, as part of a recruitment process
By submitting the form and checking the consent box, the visitor explicitly agrees the personal data collected to be used as a purpose of the management of the business relationship.
Purpose of the personal data collection through the Google Analytics used on the website:
– Measure the website audience
– Analyze the behaviour and characteristics of users on the website
– Use these data to optimize the website
Google Analytics uses third-party cookies in order to distinguish users. Cookies are small pieces of information stored on the user’s device which do not contain any nominal information and do not enable to identify you personally.
While navigating through this website, the web user explicitly agrees the personal data collected by Google Analytics to be treated as part of the purposes mentioned above.
Duration of personal data retention:
When a form is submitted on the website, the data are being stored for a period of five years. Cookies created and used by the Google Analytics tool have the following lifetime: 1 minute for the _gat type cookie, 24 hours for the _gid type and 2 years for the _ga type.
Personal data privacy:
The personal data collected are only destined to the Prestige Driver society and will only be used as part of a form submission.
These data will never be sold to third parties, rented or transmitted except for the following cases:
– Insults and/or abusive language undermining public order or good morals
– Criminal prosecutions brought to you: the data could be transmitted for justice requests
Personal data security and storage:
The data are stored on the provider’s server (OVH), whose contact details are provided in Section 1 among this page: WEB PUBLISHING AND HOSTING. These servers are located in metropolitan France, within the European Union. There will not be any personal data transfer destined to a Non-Member State of the European Community.
Every pages on the website are secured through the use of an SSL Certificate (HTTPS protocol, TLS 1.2). This protocol allows encoding (securing) the content of exchanges between the web user’s browser and the servers hosting this latter. This system enables to avoid personal data flows following a form submission to be easily read by third parties. Note: no transmission or storage of data is never completely secure. We cannot guarantee foolproof security of the information transmitted or stored on the host’s server.
Rights of access, rectification or deletion of personal data:
According to the modified Data Protection Act (Law on IT and Liberties) of January 6th, 1978, as well as the European Data Protection Laws 2016/679 (GDPR), you have the right to access, rectify and delete your personal data. You may exercise this right by using the website contact form or by mailing us at the following address: Prestige Driver, 55 AV DE CANNES 06160 ANTIBES
SAS Coffee-Marketing © 2023
Phone: 04 93 39 87 13
APE : 7021Z
SIRET : 804 128 601 00031